A lot of not so good stuff. Stuff like major sickness making its way through the family, a really bad stone chip in my windshield requiring replacement versus a “fix”, my dog getting really sick with pneumonia, which requires a lot of medicine and hefty vet bills, and me falling down the stairwell at work and hurting myself, breaking my shoes, and requiring me to take some time off of work. All of this is in addition to the refrigerator/freezer breaking the week prior. You could say we’re going through a rough patch. And that might be an understatement.
But…despite all of that, I realized that I have a lot to smile about. A lot.
I tend to be a glass half empty kinda girl, so counting my blessings doesn’t come naturally to me. However, when I take a step back and look at all I have, I realize how fortunate I am. So we all got sick…thank goodness we have health insurance and good jobs that allow us to take time off of work. Our dog is sick? How awesome that we have a dog to love and entertain us, and what a blessing that we figured out she was sick before she got worse. So what if our truck got a stone chip in the windshield?
At least I have reliable transportation to safely get me and my family where we need to go. And the refrigerator/freezer? I should be thankful I have a home to house a refrigerator and food to put in it. And well, to be quite honest, I don’t really have an upside to me falling at work…but I guess I could say at least it wasn’t worse and I didn’t break something.
Beyond all of that, I have some pretty amazing people in my life.
Two little men who make everyday worth living, and provide me with smiles to last a lifetime.