– To the resort we will be staying at in Cancun, thank you very much for no longer offering children’s life jackets for your guests. Packing two life jackets is exactly what we wanted to do. Not.
– Thank you very much to Buster and the *awesome* phase he is going through right now. I so enjoy hearing “But mommy, I waaannnttt you” in a super whiney/nasally tone 100+ times a day. Oh, and even more *awesome* is the way you cling to me and scream like a newborn when I try to leave you at daycare.
– To the retail stores which, I swear, normally have summer stuff out the day after Christmas, except they don’t this year…when I need summer stuff for our trip, thank you very much! I’m normally the first to complain about seeing bathing suits while I’m still trying to buy jeans and sweatshirts for my boys, but now that I need them, they are nowhere. WHY?
– Thank you very much American Idol for airing such heart wrenching stories during it’s audition episodes. There’s nothing quite like bawling your eyes out while watching a singing competition.
And finally, no sarcasm here, but rather extreme sincerity…
Thank you so much to everyone that offered support, encouragement, kind words, and your own stories of struggle in the comments on yesterday’s post. Your words meant more to me than I can express. Many tears were shed, both during writing that post and reading the comments that came in. It helps to know that I’m not alone in my struggle, and that I have people I can count on if I need some help. Thanks again.