Have I mentioned I’m pet sitting?
It’s the second time in the past month – and no, I haven’t started my own home business.
I would just spend an hour debating the merits of a LLP then take a nap.
I’m once again helping out Maggie and Kelly’s parents.
She’s my childhood best friend.
She’s Maggie’s older sister – you remember, the one at whose wedding I exposed myself.
Good times.
You might remember their cat, Pearl.
She sleeps in a bowl.
At least she lays in a bowl, until an annoying girl with a camera takes twenty photos of her, earning her disdain. Then she’s forced to get up and go steal the dog’s bed.
This handsome fellow is Monroe.
He’s their dog.
Possibly also the love of my life.
Or maybe not.
But he sure is cute.
We just need to get over the whole drooling issue.