I think it’s time for a little Thank You Very Much.
– To the cold/cough/virus/congestion that has infected my body and made it impossible for me to sleep for the past week, Thank You Very Much.
– Thank You Very Much to the five pounds I gained over the holidays. As if I needed you with all the other extra five pounds I’ve gained over the past few years. GO AWAY.
– To the crick in my neck that I’ve had since December 23rd, thank you very much for making me have a non-stop headache and compounding my inability to sleep.
– Thank You Very Much to the four followers that unfollowed me over my blogging break, further cementing my thought that if I don’t blog every day, I will lose followers.
– To the weather which has yo-yo’d this past week, being 53 degrees one day, and dropping to 18 degrees the same night, Thank You Very Much. At this rate, we’re all going to be sick in no time.
Ahh, I feel better after my TYVM therapy. I missed my sarcastic side, did you?