my site meter is going to spin out of control with the title of this post. what can i say i’m a stats whore like that. so i say to a friend, “gah, it’s only tuesday. i wish it was at least wednesday.” and he says, “why not friday”? and i say, “i thought i’d …
Month: February 2018
shot in the ass
we all know how treating my sacroiliac joint injury holistically turned out. if you’re new here, you can catch up on this epic fail here. so tomorrow i’m going all western medicine on this shit and having an injection into my joint. or as my daughter succinctly put it “a shot in the ass.” provided …
diets are dumb
if you recently began a diet as your new year’s resolution, i’m not apologizing for this post. i’m telling you to stop. you’re welcome. am i in any way qualified to talk about this? fuck no. i’m not fat. i’m not thin. i’m not a doctor and i don’t play one on the oprah network …
please tell me i don’t really exist in this world
i fucking love corporate america. i had to write a newsletter article announcing a new market data system to all of HR. here’s how my information gathering meeting with the boys from compensation went: AVP of Comp: this system is much better than the old market smart tool because that only let you search by geographic location. …
shoplifting 101
this week i became a professional shoplifter. lucky for you i’m willing to share my know-how. this wasn’t like the amateur shoplifting i did back in my college days when i’d stuff steaks down my pants at the ac-a-me because my iron-starved blood apparently wasn’t being enriched by grilled cheeses. and it wasn’t at the grocery store …